Saturday, March 8, 2008

Tagtosterone Part II

Just when you thought it was safe to go back on the Internet.

Seana tagged me.



This time, it's 5 things.

So let's get the prerequisite crap out of the way:

DISCLAIMER: If tagged you here's what you do. Post the words in all caps below and fill in info about yourself. Then, at the end you tell who you are tagging & go and tag 5 friends on their blogs. It's just a way to get to know fun little things about people.

TEN YEARS AGO - From today? I was 15 and probably playing the NINTENDO 64~!!!! that I got that December past.

FIVE PLACES THAT I HAVE VISITED - Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Alaska, Canada

FIVE THINGS ON MY TO DO LIST - Hang out with my family, write a 2-part report for my ECON 103 class, not fail my Poli Sci class this semester (I need it to graduate), go golfing and play Call of Duty 4 on the XBox 360.

I ENJOY - My wife, my baby, professional wrestling, golfing and playing the 360.

THREE BAD HABITS - "I work too hard. I care too much. And sometimes I can be too invested in my job."

1. I was in a punk band in High School. Seriously. I was the lead singer and can also play the guitar a little bit.
2. I was voted senior class vice-president my final year in High School. I ran as a joke and ended up winning the deal.
3. I was the 2nd VP ever impeached in the history of Las Vegas High School. Apparently, I didn't show the desired amount of school spirit, nor did I care about the senior class' float in the Homecoming Parade, so I got the axe.
4. Most of my "won't eats" come from a food texture hyper-sensitivty I have... I cannot eat a food with a mushy texture, like oatmeal, mashed potatoes, etc... It's weird, I know, but that's how I am.
5. I have saved 2 lives, both times while on my mission, both times choking toddlers, both times I used the infant Heimlich maneuver, and both times I was successful. Those didn't get me any baptisms, though...

1. Construction work with my Grandpa (remodeling LDS chapels around town for $2 an hour.)
2. Delivery driver for Little Caesars (yes, they used to offer delivery)
3. Remittance Processor for Bank of America
4. Escrow Opener at Nevada Title Company
5. Legal Project Assistant at Peel Brimley

I tag no one.



Aivaz Family said...

Nobody forced you to play, you big baby. If you can't be a good sport than ignore it. Also, I laugh everytime I think about you being impeached.

Jayvaz said...

Don't make me angry... I know where you live and I've seen where you sleep.

Eliza said...

It is hard for me to believe you had a bad attitude and no school spirit. Your reaction to being tagged would never hint to that side of your personality. Also, I didn't know that Little Ceasar's didn't deliver anymore.