Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Just a little update...

I just wanted to do a quick update on how the big girl bed has been going. I didn't actually start putting her in it until last monday, so it has been just over a week. Let me just say, I love my baby. She is amazing! She hopped right in on the first night and never got out. Just went right to sleep. We thought it must be a fluke and so I was expecting a fight at naptime the next day, but again she went right down and fell asleep. And such was the entire week. The only problems we are having are that all last week she woke up once each night and wanted milk. The last two nights, however, she has slept all the way through. She loves her bed!!! I find her in there all the time reading books to her baby and her doggy and telling them to go night-night. In short, I love my big girl and she loves her bed. Here's a question, though. Am I a terrible mother if I turn the monitor down or off at bedtime? She is on the complete other side of the house from us so it makes me nervous, but if I don't hear her then she just goes back to sleep. Also, I have a dark blanket up over her window to keep her room very dark. Is that wrong? Just asking.

In other news, after cleaning and de-junking I still never found my stupid camera. I can't even imagine what has happened to it. It makes me ill. We are going to buy another one next week. Then I will post pictures of her big girl bed. I hope everyone had a fantastic 4th. We did. My parents have the carpet stains to prove it. Later on!


Brooke said...

^%$I.... !@#$can't....@$type.... Choking of shock^%$#@..... ACK(&8^08709.....

Okay, dramatic enough?? Yay!!! You didn't completely abandon your blog!!

So no. You are not a bad mom. In fact, that's what many doc's suggest. If she needs you bad enough (ie hurt) you will hear her. She should learn how to comfort herself through little fusses.

And you are soooo lucky she is doing well!! You must be a good mommy! I kind of hate you for that. I hate you, I love you. I hate you, I love you.

Jayvaz said...

We're getting a new camera next week??


Jenn Mize said...

I love that Jason had NO idea you were getting a new camera. I think you should get a Nikon Cool Pix. That's what I want, one of the REALLY nice ones. I actually want a REALLY nice like $900 camera, but in reality the best I'll probably get is a Nikon Cool Pix.
As for being a bad Mom. I have EVERY intention of doing the same thing. IS it bad to do at like 1 month? JUST KIDDING! I think once they are in a big kid bed, they can learn how to comfort themselves, and like Brooke said, if she is hurt... You will know. Especially if she has lungs like yours. :)
Love Your Guts!

Derpina Derp said...

I think you're a terrible mom and deserve to have Katelyn taken by CPS. Well, I guess you could be worse. I mean, do something really awful like lose your kid in Kohl's for example. Oh, wait....

Eliza said...

I love it when parents think they are bad parents because they don't bow to every whim of their child. Oh, wait no, I hate that because kids who have EVERY wish fulfilled the second they want something to into spoiled, manipulative brats. Translation - you are a good mom.

Jessica said...

I made blackout curtains for all of our bedrooms so that it's nice and dark. I'm not sure why because my kids wake up at 5am in the morning when it's still dark. They are jerks sometimes. Also, the baby monitor can go. You will feel so liberated! You are cute and I want some pictures of that delicious little girl.

Marchezt said...

I'm so glad she loves her Big Girl Bed! I knew she would! Love her and you and Jay!!

Marchezt said...

P.S. I have the Nikon CoolPix and love it so far.

Natalie said...

I am very happy to hear that she likes her big girl bed. I can't wait to see pictures. I also can't wait to see you. When can we play?

Audrey and Mike Findarle said...

I too am in a big girl bed now... the marital kind...

Becky said...

Audrey is nasty!