Thursday, July 31, 2008

Another shameless braggy post about my Kate

You read the title, so consider yourself warned. I haven't dedicated an entire post to her in a while and I have taken some fun pictures of her as of late. Actually having a camera affords that luxury. Anywho, she is doing really well. She continues to amaze me with the things she knows. She has said some really funny things lately that I will share. Some of you may have already heard these stories, so bear with me.

Lately she has been asking me to wear panties. That should probably thrill some parents, but she will have nothing to do with sitting on the potty for longer than 30 seconds, so it just gets old following her aroung and making sure she doesn't pee on my floor. Anyway, one day last week, she insisted on wearing panties. I got her to sit on the toilet for a minute and nothing happened. She wiped anyway. Later that morning she wanted a bath and when she took her panties off and climbed in this is what I saw...

I laughed alot. Also, later that day, I forgot she had panties on and I sent her to the naughty step for something and after 2 minutes I called her to me. She never came. After 5 or 6 times calling her I went over to the step and she wasn't there. I am not proud of this, but I proceeded to yell at her about how we don't get up from the step until mommy says. She stuck her bottom lip out and burst into tears and said, "Mommy, I wet." I felt like the worst mom ever. She peed on the step and I yelled at her for it. Yeah, I know. She forgave me, fortuneatly.

She is still doing well in her bed. She has, however, realized that she can get out of her bed and mess around, so naps have been interesting lately. The other morning she never made any noise and I wondered why she was sleeping later than usual. I found her in a very funny position. Obvioulsy, she had thought about getting up and then realized she was too tired.

She has gone swimming a few times this summer. I would post pictures of her at the public pool, but those jerks decided that I am not allowed to take pictures of my own child. So stupid. Last weekend we were invited to go swimming with some good friends in the ward (Thanks Motts!) and Kate had a great time swimming with daddy.

She has started to get a little attitude and get real snotty with me lately and talks back. Yesterday I was not even talking to her, I think I was on the phone with Jason and she came up to me and put her hands on her hips and said, "Mom, Don't talk a me!!". I said, "Don't talk to you?". And she said, "Yeah, Don't talk a me". And then she proceeded to walk away. I couldn't believe it. Such a brat.

Another funny story. I know, I know, but this is a braggy post about Katelyn. Recently, after she took a bath I wanted to do her hair, but she wouldn't let me. I asked Tyler (my neice) if I could do hers instead. I put Tylers hair in a cute little bun and Katelyn saw it and of course turned green with envy. She then said, "I want ballet hair, too". I died. I have no idea where she connected a bun with ballet. Here is a pic.

One more picture and I will end this post. Maybe. Yesterday morning I told her I needed to change her diiaper and so I got one and she got another one. She went and got her dog that she carries around 24/7 and laid it down and started to put a diaper on him. So cute.

I love my baby. I just realized that this will not be the only braggy post about her fo awhile because she turns 2 on Monday the 4th. I am sure I will dedicate another post to her then. But thats all for now.


Karalee said...

Love that girl. And her attitude. Usually.

Brooke said...

I am so glad you finally decided to brag! I have been dying to see pics of her, so I hope there is another braggy post at 2 yrs old. She deserves it! How freakin cute is she!!! I love the TP in the butt...

Jenn Mize said...

Wow, TP in the butt. Just like her Mommy! Ha! Ha! Ha! Anyway, glad you finally updated with pictures of the little sassy frass! She sounds like her Mommy. Shot if Tucker is anything like me the world better watch out. Maybe he and Kate will hate each other at first and then love each other and get married! :) If they are anything like us they will! I'm so excited to see you all soon! Love Ya!

Anonymous said...

She is adorable. Brag away!

Natalie said...

She is the cutest thing ever! I love the toilet paper butt picture. Very funny. We need to go swimming again. Tanner is in need of another make-out session.

Becky said...

I'm sorry but the toilet paper in the butt picture is pretty gross. I remember when you were soooo in love with the Backstreet Boys. Maybe you still are....

Andrea, Joey, & Jackson Mott said...

She is too cute, we loved having you guys over for a swim party, come over any time.

Travis and Ashlee said...

Hey, we found your blg from the Motts!! She is so dang cute, the potty training thing sucks if you ask me. But the tp in the butt is awesome. Glad we found you, we never see you guys so it's fun to see whats going on!!

Audrey and Mike Findarle said...

umm.. could my mom be any funnier? i doubt it. I really liked your braggy post. I think you should talk about your kid whenever the heck you want ok? so dont feel bad. oh and she is so cute