Thursday, July 22, 2010

My baby is weird.

For the last few days she has been obsessed with the wipes. I thought she just liked the crinkly noise it made, but anytime we tried to take it away she would freak. Like, throw a legit fit. Yesterday and today I have noticed her doing this:

She is a thumb sucker and likes things touching her face while she does it, but usually it's soft things. She is obsessed with these wipes. I don't know if it's because it's cool on her face or what, but if you try and take it away from her she will look at you like this:

I don't get it. She is weird. Cute, though. And very patient when her sister tortures her.

Speaking of her sister...she is a weirdo too.

So long.

Monday, July 19, 2010


I am a little late in posting this, but I wanted to say Happy 5th Anniversary to the love of my life!

For our anniversary date, Jason made all the plans and just told me when to be ready. He got off of work a little early and when he came home he brought me these...

I love them. I always do the girl thing and say flowers are a waste of money and not to get them, but I was glad to have them. They smell good. Anywho, when we left we headed towards Summerlin, so I was pretty sure we were headed to the Cheesecake Factory. I was correct. It was no less than delish. Plus, we had a gift card so it sure was almost free. Jason told the waiter that we wanted our cheesecake to go and he told me to see if they fit in my purse. I knew then that we were going to a movie. Jason really doesn't do movies. He feels like he pays $20 to sit in the dark and not talk. I knew, though, that he really wanted to see Grown Ups and so did I so I assumed that's what it was. I was wrong.

That's right. My husband bought tickets to see Eclipse. Keep in mind, I had already seen it twice and in no way ever asked him to see it with me. He saw it of his own free will. I was dying. He mocked it the whole time and acted like he was being tortured. I told him to forfeit his man card as he was no longer worthy of carrying it. Seeing that movie is not something most men would ever do. Secretly I think he thought it wasn't as bad as he imagined. Bottom line- I never asked him to see it with me and the fact that he did anyway means he must really like me.

That was pretty much our date. It was so fun to go out. We kept saying "what were we doing at this time 5 years ago..." to each other and had fun thinking about our reception and what not. Good times. I am so grateful to be married to such a freaking funny, hard working, really smart, extra cute guy. He keeps me laughing everyday. He is such a good dad and we are blessed to have him. Happy Anniversary, babe. I love you.

Oh, and also, our kids are cute.I just randomly snapped a picture of Katelyn this morning and realized again how beautiful she is...

The end.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

6 months...

Um, hi. I decided to give blogging another go. I thought about abandoning the whole thing, but I changed mind. I also decided not to go private. Obviously. So here we go again.

My baby is six months old today. I know, right? A lot has happened in her tiny life span. When she was about 4 months we quit the nursing. Go ahead, judge. I wasn't making enough and she was not Satan when she had bottles. Shortly after that we put her in the guest room and she became the dream baby. For serious. She sleeps for 2-3 hours then eats and plays. About 1.5 hrs later, she sleeps for another 2-3. She is pretty much sleeping through the night or only up once. Plus she sucks her thumb and sleeps on her stomach. What isn't insanely cute about that? In short, she is amazing and I love her.

About a month ago she was hospitalized at the Summerlin PICU. We took her to the ER late one Friday night because she had a fever of 105 and was throwing up. They ran some tests and told us she had a "raging bladder infection". They wouldn't release her until she had gone 48-72 hours without a fever. While there, they did a renal ultrasound and discovered that one of her kidneys is slightly inflammed and suspect she has renal reflux. Apparently that's when her tubing is kinked somewhere and depending on the severity of it they have surgery or grow out of it. They couldn't test for that till her infection is gone, though. She was such a trooper the whole stay and was so happy the whole time.

Here is where the really crappy part comes in. She was released on a Tuesday. She was fine for a few days. By Saturday morning she had a low grade fever again. So Sunday we took her back in and she had an ear infection. They gave her a shot and sent us home. Again, she was fine for a couple of days. On Tuesday, she woke up with a horrible rash all over her. It appeared to be roseola so I just watched it for the day. The next morning she looked even worse. The bumps were connected and raised up and looked like hives. Back to the doctor we went. She is allergic to sulfa. They changed her antibiotic and so far she has been fine. Now that she is finally on top of her infections, she has the reflux test scheduled for tomorrow. It's going to be so sad. They have to give her a cath (Boo!) and inject some dye into her bladder to find the problem. Hopefully after all this we will finally know what's going on.

She absolutely loved the 4th. She loved watching the fireworks. She just stuck her thumb in her mouth and watched. It was rad. She also looked crazy cute.

Anywho, I love her and I can't believe she is halfway to 1. Not okay. Here is what she can do.

-roll over both ways.
-she tries to scoot. mostly just sticks her butt up and then gets mad.
-completely devours solids. she loves every single kind. especially bananas.
-can say "dada", but she doesn't do it with any consistency and calls anyone that.
-sits up. well, not for a long period, but she does it, okay?
- belly laughs at everything. especially her sister. they are bffs.

Here's what she can't do/doesn't like.

-men that aren't her dad or papa. she hates dudes.
-she can't say "mama". figures.
-she hates getting her clothes changed. so much.
-does not appreciate getting water poured on her head during the bath.

That's about it. She is almost a dream baby. If you have stuck with me to the end of this post, you are a gentleman and a scholar. A true friend. I will try to keep this thing up to date, but I can't make any promises. Have a lovely day.