Monday, April 21, 2008


Well, I haven't posted in a while because nothing of note was going on. I was sick for 2 days last week with some sort of stomach bug I would prefer never to have again. Boo!! I was looking forward to the weekend as it was Jason's birthday and I arranged a party for him at Chuck E. Cheese. Well, Saturday morning rolls around, and he starts to feel crappy. Boo!! We decided it was too late to call and cancel the party so he put on a brave face and we went anyway. We had a great turn out and actually had a great time. After we left I realized that we forgot our camera. Doubel Boo!! Hopefully any of you who did bring your cameras will email me pictures so i can post them. While we were there Katelyn had a blow out. Boo!! No extra pants. Boo!! I sure did let her run around in a shirt and diaper. Yesterday morning we skipped church and I took Jason to the Quick Care. I don't even need to emphasize the Boo!! here as all of you know how much I hate that facility. However, it was quick. Long story longer, Jason has strep throat. BOOOOO!!!! I am starting to get a sore throat. Boo!! Katelyn is on day 3 of runny diahrrea. Boo!! I will be leaving shortly to go babysit Erin's kids for the week while Kindle is in the hospital having procedures done on his head. Boo to hospitals!! I hope everyone has a nicer day than I have. Love you all, though.


Brooke said...

Uugh!! I'm sorry! I hope your throat gets better before it turns into strep!! I am glad to see a new post from you... it was boo-tiful. Okay, shoot me now.

Andrea, Joey, & Jackson Mott said...

That sucks, I hate when everything goes crappy. Sorry, hope everyone gets better soon. Jackson just got over the stupid runs and vomiting. yuck, I hate it when babies are sick and to top it off husbands too. I don't know about Jason but Joey is really whiny and wants to be baby-ed when he is sick, sometimes worse than Jackson, hee hee! get better

Eliza said...

That was really uplifting. Excuse me while I go off myself...

Anonymous said...

At least crappy times can make you grateful for the good times. Right? Hope you are all on the road to recovery! How can we play if you guys aren't well?

Jessica said...

Sorry your life is so boo-y.

Natalie said...

I am sorry you have had such a crappy week. Hopefully by the time you read this you are all feeling much better. I read on facebook that jason was going golfing after work and did the happy dance so he must be feeling better. I miss you. Let's get together when you are feeling up to it.

The Findarle Family said...

I had strep 33 times in a row... literally like a few days after I would get off of my antibiotics I got it again and again. So I know how you feel and that was really awesome reading about your daughter's bowel movements thank you

Jayvaz said...

Update your freaking blog.

I need to know what's going on with my family.

Natalie said...

I am not one to talk but UPDATE ALREADY!!!!

Derpina Derp said...

BOO! You really need to update your blog! BOOOOOO!